Drakkar Models
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Drakkar Models

Achievement Gallery

In this section you will see the accomplishments or dioramas featuring Drakkar-Models products. This will give you some examples of usage, and perhaps, some ideas …
Or just some nice pictures for your viewing pleasure!



Pantherturm on the Gothic line in Italy.

Diorama by Jean-Sébastien GAUCHY.

1/35 scale.
The Rove

Les Flots Bleus

Les Flots Bleus

Les Flots Bleus is a small diorama made from vintage photos, of a position in the heart of Marseille, on the embankment.

This is a Renault R-35 turret mounted on a Tobruk Vf 67, built in 1942/1944 years, in front of a coffee which survived until 2009.
Les Flots Bleus

Red Unhorned

Red Unhorned

Interpretation of the Unhorned bust, the devil without horns, by Vincent Ducros.
Red Unhorned

The Rove

The Rove

The turret R-35 of the Rove is a small diorama inspired from the remains of the Tobruk Vf25, a position at the north end of Marseilles coastline. It is still visible today with its turret.

The Renault R-35 turret is mounted on a Regelbau Vf25, built in 1943, accompanied by a maze of trenches and other concreted Tobruks.
The Rove
